Recently Pou Whakaaro's Innovative Employment team headed to the Transition Roadshow that was hosted by ... The afternoon was a success with Peter an Maree being great advocates for our services.
Peter came to us as a transition student from Trident High School. Peter has successfully completed our transition programme and is currently enjoying our navigation services. Peter enjoyed representing Pou Whakaaro and is currently participating in our Independent Living courses, entering the Rotary Best Speakers competition, attends a Budget Cooking class, enjoys our weekly Badminton outings and is involved in our Personal Planning workshops.
Maree has come to us from Trident High School and is a current transition student. Maree too has joined the Rotary Best Speakers competition and is doing her best to attend the National Competition in Wellington with the support of our Navigation team.
Maree did very well at the event, and especially enjoyed chatting with other community groups and would like to be involved further with promoting our transition services.
If you would like to find out more about our our Transitions team today.